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The Way of Holiness Retreat Center & Lay Community was founded by Sr. Mary-Jo Cassidy, in 1981. In the 1970's Sr. Mary-Jo felt God calling her to found a place that would provide people an opportunity for rest, healing, reflection, and prayer. Her vision was also to establish a monastic type of lay community with members who would be in constant prayer together, supporting the community at large with their prayers.

At the time of her call she was a Sister of the Precious Blood and gained permission from her superiors to leave their community to start the Way of Holiness, it is said that her Foundress wanted to join her!

She was able to aquire a building that was housing for nurses from Jasper. The building was moved by truck to its current location. Almost all of the contents, systems, and materials she needed to complete its construction were donated or completed by volunteers who came for weeks or months to live in the community and share there skills.

Sr. Mary-Jo was a woman of deep faith she knew that God would always meet her needs. On Aug. 25th, 1999 she went back to her heavenly home and now it is up to the next generations to continue her vision and mission.

Decades later, Sr. Mary-Jo’s vision has resulted in a transient community of like-minded individuals seeking personal holiness and healing. 


Way of Holiness Retreat Prayer Centre provides opportunities for rest, healing, reflection, and prayer through individual retreats, group retreats and facility rentals. We provide a place of solitude to weary souls seeking refuge from the burdens of daily life. With welcoming hearts we invite all Christian people of all backgrounds to come and enjoy our peaceful mountain retreat while they deepen their spiritual life.

The simple truth of our finances is that Way of Holiness Retreat Prayer Center relies heavily on donations. It always has and likely always will. This is because of our unique Christian mission and vision of being a place for rest, healing, reflection, and prayer for all Christian people regardless of their income status. Because this is our vision and mission it requires we rely on donations for the bulk of our income source. We do not turn ANY Christian who is in need away!

Even if you are unable to support us financially at this time, you can always support us with your prayers - apart from Christ, we can do nothing.
Our primary concern here at Way of Holiness Prayer Retreat Center is longevity. It is our goal to keep Sr. Mary Jo's vision and mission alive for many years to come. To accomplish this goal we rely on the generosity of kind people like you.

*All donations are collected through CanadaHelps. They will issue tax receipts for your donation unless you donate through E-transfer or in person

A BIG HUG and huge THANK YOU for supporting the Christian mission and vision of the Way of Holiness Prayer Retreat Center  

We appreciate your support whether that be financially through your donation or with your ongoing prayers. Please know that we will keep you in our prayers as well. We ask God to bless you each and every day!

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